How To Winter-Proof Your Fire Sprinklers?

As is well known, wintertime is a harsh attack on plumbing systems. However, the most dangerous one is the cold getting to a commercial property’s fire sprinkler systems. Wet sprinklers hold water in them to extinguish the source of fire when triggered. However, if not maintained properly, the water freeze in the pipes, making them redundant in case of a fire, but also becoming a safety hazard as frozen pipes are more prone to bursting. Hence, it’s extremely crucial to appraise the custodians and managers of your commercial building about the proper fire sprinkler system inspection, maintenance, and service at the time of the installation. Outlined below are some of the safety steps to prevent the sprinkler system from freezing.    

Fire Sprinkler System Inspection


  • Follow System Guideline. Consult with the fire experts at the time of fire sprinkler system installation or annual inspections about the safety tips to keep the systems fully operational all year long and follow them diligently. The professionals are privy to various tried and tested techniques that will work for your specific commercial building type. Hence, ensuring that your building custodian maintains the systems per the NFPA guidelines is vital.
  • Set Building Temperature. It is a common understanding that freezing in pipes would occur at a cold temperature. Hence, the best prevention remains to maintain a steady, warm temperature in the building to stop water from freezing. However, if your office building is closed for the holidays, call your fire equipment technician to insulate the pipes for the said period.
  • Install Antifreeze Loop. Fire sprinkler systems’ pipes run through the entire building have a great chance of being fitted in the area where the building’s heating does not reach, such as the basement, supply closets, etc. Hence, the antifreeze loop helps maintain the temperature of running water above the freezing point to avoid freezing and bursting of pipes.

While summers are notorious for causing plumbing issues, fire sprinkler systems fall prey to the winters more often. Ensure your building is safe and sound with well-regulated sprinklers. Call FireServ experts for complete fire sprinkler system installation, inspection, and servicing!

Published by fireservny

FireServ provides installations, maintenance, repairs, and inspections for all your fire extinguishers, alarms, sprinklers, suppression systems, emergency & exit lighting. FireServ is a Nationwide Fire Protection Compliance company; we handle all of your fire safety requirements.

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